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type Transactable implements RelationOnDemandInterface {
  created_at: JSONDate
  creator: User
  creator_id: ID
  custom_address(name: String!): CustomAddrress
  custom_image(name: String!): [ListingImage]
  customizations(id: ID, name: String, user_id: ID): [Customization!]
  external_id: ID
  id: ID!
  is_deleted: Boolean
    foreign_property: String = "id"
    join_on_property: String
    model_name: String
  ): ListingsCustomization
    foreign_property: String!
    join_on_property: String!
    model_name: [String]
  ): [ListingsCustomization!]
  name: String
  property(name: String!): String
  property_array(name: String!): [String!]!
    foreign_property: String = "id"
    join_on_property: String
    model_schema_name: String
  ): ListingsCustomization
    foreign_property: String!
    join_on_property: String!
    model_schema_name: [String]
  ): [ListingsCustomization!]
    foreign_property: String = "id"
    join_on_property: String = "user_id"
  ): User
  slug: String!
  updated_at: JSONDate
    foreign_property: String = "id"
    join_on_property: String = "user_id"
  ): User


created_at (JSONDate)

creator (User)

creator_id (ID)

custom_address (CustomAddrress)

custom_image (ListingImage)

customizations (Customization)

Fetch any customization by name or id; ex: hair_color: customization(name: "hair_color")

external_id (ID)

id (ID)

is_deleted (Boolean)

model (ListingsCustomization)

Defines belongs-to relation with other model; ex: parent: model(model_name:
"parent", join_on_property: "parent_id") { id }

Load resources with foreign_property == join_on_property

Load remote resource with id == join_on_property

Joins model [formaly customization] with custom-model-type-name == model_name

models (ListingsCustomization)

Defines has-many relation with other model; ex: children: models(model_name:
"child", join_on_property: "parent_id", foreign_property: "parent_id") { id }

Load resources with foreign_property == join_on_property

Load resources with foreign_property == join_on_property

Joins model [formaly customization] with custom-model-type-name == model_name

name (String)

property (String)

Fetch any Property by name; ex: hair_color: property(name: "hair_color")

property_array (String)

Defines belongs-to relation with other model; ex: parent: model(model_name:
"parent", join_on_property: "parent_id") { id }

Load resources with foreign_property == join_on_property

Load remote resource with id == join_on_property

Joins model [formaly customization] with custom-model-type-name == model_name

Defines has-many relation with other model, returns maximum of 10000 records
at once; ex: children: models(model_name: "child", join_on_property:
"parent_id", foreign_property: "parent_id") { id }

Load resources with foreign_property == join_on_property

Load resources with foreign_property == join_on_property

Joins model [formaly customization] with custom-model-type-name == model_name

Defines relation with other user, returns maximum of 10000 records at once;
ex: invited_by: user(join_on_property: "invited_by_id") { id }

slug (String)

updated_at (JSONDate)

user (User)

Defines relation with other user; ex: invited_by: user(join_on_property: "invited_by_id") { id }




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