
[DEPRECATED] Embedding a Sign-Up Form in a Page

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This article series promote UserProfiles and Forms, which are deprecated. We decided to reduce the learning curve by promoting explicit implementation via Liuid, Pages and GraphQL, instead of a built-in features, which add magic into the mix and hence increase the learning curve and makes debugging harder. Please refer to our Get Started to read up-to date articles, including User Authentication

This guide will help you embed a sign-up form in a page.


To follow the steps in this tutorial, you should be familiar with the required directory structure for your codebase, and understand the concept of pages. You'll use the sign-up forms created in a previous tutorial.


Embedding a sign up form is a two-step process:

Step 1: Create page

Create a new page in the app/views/pages/developer directory named sign-up.liquid, and another page in the views/pages/client directory named sign-up.liquid.

Step 2: Embed form

Add {% include_form 'developer_sign_up' %} to embed the previously created sign up forms into the sign up pages.


slug: developer/sign-up
<h1>Create a Developer Account</h1>

{% include_form 'developer_sign_up' %}

This will display the form you created previously at https://[your-domain]/developer/sign-up.


slug: client/sign-up
<h1>Create a Client Account</h1>

{% include_form 'client_sign_up' %}

This will display the form you created previously at https://[your-domain]/client/sign-up.

Next steps

Congratulations! You know how to embed a sign-up form in a page. Now you can learn about signing in a user:


We are always happy to help with any questions you may have.

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